I’m excited to
see this fund launched.
Good luck!
Craig Willingham , CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute, December 2023 Survey
Political action and lobbying are difficult skills and
activities to implement and hone, but
are increasingly important.
Anonymous Stakeholder, November 2022 Survey
We all know this work is hard and constant change makes it harder,
so it’s important to learn how to move through this
adversity and keep our eyes on the goal.
Julie Burns, CEO, Jump IN for Healthy Kids, December 2023 Survey
Excellent work… I’m feeling positive especially
when learning about the values
that drive this fund…Thank you!
Diane Charles , Project Manager, Fairfax Food Council
I am thrilled to see greater funding for
food policy councils. Thank you for all
your hard work to this point!
Mike Bulger , Common Ground Health, Rochester Food Policy Council, December 2023 Survey
Excited for the fund;
this is needed to move the work forward.
Thank you!
Anonymous Stakeholder
Thank you so such a thoughtful
and engaging process! We appreciate
this opportunity to learn and grow.
Anonymous Stakeholder, January 22, 2024 Public Information Session
Even a handful of savvy folks
can make a local impact with
small pots of funding.
Anonymous Stakeholder, December 2023 Survey
This is headed in the right direction;
I’ll be interested to see what this actually looks like in practice.
Glad to have been a part of the process!
Anonymous Stakeholder, February 2023 Survey
This emergent pool of funds is great to see. Still, see a big gap after the fund launches.
Would be great for support to also directly connect and build capacity across
FPCs beyond support for individual FPCs.
Rodger Cooley, Executive Director, Chicago Food Policy Action Council, December 2023 Survey
I am really happy to see the emphasis on unrestricted funding and guiding principles. Great work!
Anonymous Stakeholder, February 2023 Survey
I feel excited to have a chance to share our
story and vision for our community through
this grantmaking application process.
Anonymous Stakeholder, January 22, 2024 Public Information Session
There is a definite need for unrestricted funding for food policy councils.
As staff at a food policy council, we often have to squeeze support
for our basic organizational functioning into other grants.
Anonymous Stakeholder, February 2023 Survey
Feeling energized by all the incredible people
focused on this work and looking forward
to deepening connections!
Shin Lee, Oregon Community Food System Network
Thank you!!!
It’s so exciting to be a part of this,
and I’m grateful for your leadership.
Anonymous Stakeholder
I think this is a great plan that really shows understanding
of how FPCs work and the need for support,
financially and otherwise.
Anonymous Stakeholder, February 2023 Survey
Funding that is targeted towards supporting FPCs and is not
restricted to single projects or policies would allow FPCs
to identify and propel changes that respond to local needs.
Mike Bulger , Common Ground Health, Rochester Food Policy Council, November 2022 Survey
I love the governance structure proposed.
It provides a great place for sharing, collaboration, and learning.
Great work on this!!
Anonymous Stakeholder, February 2023 Survey
You’ve made this
so simple, it feels
silly not to apply!
Ali Jensen, Whatcom County Food System Committee
It is so wonderful that you are looking at ways
to increase impact and meet needs
for food policy councils!
Anonymous Stakeholder, February 2023 Survey
Thanks for getting
input before a
Request for Proposals
Anonymous Stakeholder, December 2023 Survey
I love that you’re
doing this work –
thank you!
Anonymous Stakeholder, November 2022 Survey
Thank you for
tackling this issue that is
essential for many of us.
Melanie Wong , Co-Coordinator, California Food Policy Council, February 2023 Survey
Funding and technical assistance along with best practices can
give FPCs the tools they need to make long-term, sustainable,
impactful changes in their communities.
Anonymous Stakeholder, November 2022 Survey
It’s been really helpful as a funder to learn about
new ways to review and select awardees with an
abundance mindset. Thanks for all your thoughtfulness.
Cassidy Beamer, Staff Liaison, Johnson County (IA) Food Policy Council
This is really exciting
and much needed.
Thank you for your hard work!
Elisa Muños-Miller , New Orleans Food Policy Action Council
I’m feeling appreciative
that y’all are trying new
ways of grantmaking
Anonymous Stakeholder, January 22, 2024 Public Information Session
Thank you for developing this fund! Food Policy Councils are
doing impressive systems change work. They have deserved
more recognition and support for a long time.
Anonymous Stakeholder, December 2023 Survey
Motivated and hopeful.
Lots of work
Alison M. Cohen , Director and General Coordination, National Right to Food Community of Practice
Feeling grateful and hopeful, for new ways of approaching the complexity of
resourcing food systems work, that acknowledges what’s real and important.
Thanks for your great work on this; it sets a wonderful example.
Anonymous Stakeholder, January 22, 2024 Public Information Session
I love this approach and the intentional way criteria
have been generated and evaluated!
Excited to see what comes of it in the new year.
Beth Spitler, California Food and Farm Network, December 2023 Survey